Open Systems Technologies Bitcamp


Hi, I'm Brian

Let's talk hosting, or:

how to put your site on the web.

Two Parts

Domain Name

Server Space


Using a "smart" phone, how do you make phone calls these days?

Find a contact by their name/picture

Tap person, phone dials their number.

The story of a web request

What actually happens when you request a web page?

Step 1: Enter a URL

Includes a domain name

(Find a contact)

Step 2: Browser Resolves Domain

(Phone translates contact to number)

Step 3: Browser Requests Page from Web Server

(Call starts)

Step 4: Browser starts rendering Page



Some terms before we get too far.

  • Browser
    A program on a device intended to display web pages.
  • Web Server
    A computer on the internet tasked with delivering pages.
  • URL
    Uniform Resource Locator - a reference to a specific page on a specific domain/IP over a specific protocol.
    https :// / about
  • Domain Name
    A human-friendly reference to a device on the internet.
  • IP Address
    A computer-friendly reference to a device on the internet.

Register a Domain Name

that is, rent space in the internet's address book

  1. Pick a domain name
  2. Register with a registrar
  3. Point your domain name at your server

Find some Server Space

Probably what one thinks about when planning hosting.

Can host through employers, but for our situation, host via hosting companies

Provided with remote management tools.

  • FTP
  • Web portals
  • Deployment hooks

All ways to get your web files up to the chosen server.

Using Hosts

Ok, so what does that look like?

Using Hosts

Ok, so what does that look like? (example)

Using Hosts

Ok, so what does that look like?

Types of Hosting

You share a server with multiple customers.
You have full administrator access to a slice of a server.
You have full admin access to an entire server.
A modern variant of VPS hosting. Often used and paid by-the-hour.
You have full admin access to an entire server.
Usually a luxury version of dedicated hosting.

What to look for

  1. uptime
  2. cost
  3. server software (Apache / nginx / IIS)
  4. platform (PHP / .NET / NodeJS, etc)
  5. no additional charges for additional domains
  6. 24/7 support from people who speak your language
  7. scalable service, in case you get slashdotted
  8. sane, automatic handling of subdomains

Some (Personal) Recommendataions

Simple Shared Hosting


Platform As a Service
